698 results:

Bad Credit and Your Mortgage Options

Bad Credit and Your Mortgage Options

Having poor or bad credit doesn't always mean you won't get a mortgage, but it can affect the options available to you. We explain how adverse credit can impact your ability to get a mortgage and…

Best Offset Mortgage Rates

Best Offset Mortgage Rates

What do customers say Taking out a mortgage and buying a property can be daunting. You’ve got to save a deposit, meet the monthly payments, secure a good deal and find the right home. Luckily,…

Mortgage Deposit Guide

Mortgage Deposit Guide

Get in touch with our experts 0330 433 2927 Help to Buy Support from the government-backed Help to Buy initiative is available for first-time buyers and existing homeowners who are finding it…

No Deposit Mortgage

No Deposit Mortgage

Buying a property usually requires saving large sums which can be a challenge for some people. If you're hoping to apply for a mortgage but don't have a deposit, you may still be able to get on…

Buy-to-Let Mortgage Deposit: How Much Is It?

Buy-to-Let Mortgage Deposit: How Much Is It?

Buy-to-Let Mortgage Deposit Buying a property to rent can be a good way to make money to use as a general source of income, top up your salary or even to invest in further properties so you can…

Where Can My Mortgage Deposit Come From?

Where Can My Mortgage Deposit Come From?

In this article we go through what a mortgage deposit is, where your mortgage deposit can come from, what your lender looks for and more. Getting a deposit together is one of the biggest and most…

Can I Borrow Money for a Deposit on a House?

Can I Borrow Money for a Deposit on a House?

Can I Fund My Mortgage Deposit with a Loan? Some lenders may allow you to pay part of your deposit with an unsecured loan from a bank or building society. However, you must demonstrate that your…

Family Springboard Mortgage or Family Deposit Mortgage

Family Springboard Mortgage or Family Deposit Mortgage

Family Springboard Mortgage or Family Deposit Mortgage As 100% mortgages are no longer available, unless you buy with a government home buyer scheme it can be a struggle to raise a large…

Debt Consolidation Remortgage: Remortgage to Pay Off Debt

Debt Consolidation Remortgage: Remortgage to Pay Off Debt

Get in touch with our experts 0330 433 2927 Can I Consolidate Debt? Trying to manage multiple debts isn’t easy; different interest rates, introductory offers and end dates…

Cryptocurrency and Mortgages

Cryptocurrency and Mortgages

Cryptocurrency and Mortgages Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and the Ethereum platform are increasingly popular investor options, despite their notorious volatility and the relative technical…

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